The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Extracts from my Diary...

I am writing a couple of pages in my diary everyday. Mostly thought and feelings that I shouldn’t write in my blog, however, I have decided to add some of the "not personal one". So the next few paragraphs are small entries from my diary.

"Max and I tried to get a coconut down today. We didn't manage to, nature was simply too strong; again. Man always wants to beat nature, not realizing that he is a part of it. Me as well, I sail across the Atlantic because it is there (I have to beat
it). I went to Greenland to look at whales, but was it the whales that looked at me? We are catching fish everyday from the boat, but isn't a bit unfair to use to metal hooks disguised as a nice tasty fish? Many people think that they have won over nature, but we can still not control tornados and earthquakes. Man over nature... or Nature or man?"

"Damn, I am bored. One more day on the sea. It is day 10 on the sea, and still no land. Where the fuck does all this water come from? When I am really stressed always dream about doing nothing, now I am dreaming about doing something.
I have done yoga for one hour, a bit of physical training for 30 min. Reading for 4 hours....and what else can I do out here?
Sleep and cook...actually, I think I will make some bread now. I wonder if boredom is a domino effect; that you get bored from
being bored....Wauw, I must really be bored now...anyway, I have nothing to do, I should enjoy it. And it is for free."

"Sometimes it is a bit disgusting with all these tourist. On Cape Verde we saw how Germans and Italians go there to fuck, in the Caribbean’s, people come here to sail and escape from the bad weather. It is funny how I (and we on the boat), talk about tourists. We also talk about them as "Them". But what are we then?.... I always dream about not being the typical tourist, but then I have to stop trying not to be a tourist...because that is sooo tourist.... I guess that we are all tourist all the
time...There are at least some places I haven’t seen in Denmark yet....and a tourist is a person who sees/meet new people...
I still have many people to meet....Yeah, I am a tourist. A tourist is someone who is going on a trip for pleasure, according to the dictionary that we have onboard. Them I will jump out of the clothes as the biggest Life Tourist ever! I go on trips, only for least I try to!"

"Wauw, every single little Island we go to on Cape Verde has a coca-cola shop. A little read box where they sell beers and cokes. I have heard that the most known word in the world is "okay", the second most known is "Coca-cola". It is interesting, how weak that 1000 years old culture is, compare to coca-cola. Culture Vs. Coke, and coke will win on a knock-out. No doubt, about that. I really like to read the history books in 300 years time (if we live so long)..."Coca-cola was the most popular drink, and it spread over most of the world. If you wanted to taste food from China, South-Africa, Chile, France or Canada then you should go to MacDonalds....""

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK.... My whole south-America trip is screwed... I think that I just will go home to DK and hide...start working so I can earn money and travel out again. I had just everything planned. I had used United World Connections, and
I got some good places to stay (except for Chile), my trip was planned down to every dollar....but then...Then I meet this
b**** at the tourist agency: " You cant leave Antigua if you don't have a ticket back home to, you are not allow to go to South America, sorrrryyy".....great, what a birthday gift I got there...I have the next 3 days to plan how to escape from this island....LEGALLY!!!! Nevertheless, I am happy that I have gotten into contact with so many UWC's because of my planned trip......I just hope that I will keep in contact with more of them...UWC is too important to let blow away"

"Amazing...Nareg got into Brown....Mathias got into Princeton....simply amazing, I am so proud of them...both of them deserves it! The even better part is, that both of them want to do a third year option before hand...Ivan and Ed is at Mathias' place, Hajja is going to Nareg's....strange.....There is a UWC New Year in Sweden...maybe I should have stayed back...hmm... maybe I should apply to Princeton, then I could save Mathias from turning into a new Erik...."

"WORK!!! I was told that many times at the college...I remember when I went to the university office, and I told them that I
wanted to chill out for 2-3 years before uni., they got a shock. No, no, no, you should work now and then...gain later.
Should I enjoy now? Or wait for later? and when does "later" end? I have decided to enjoy now, death came too close when I got
my operation....and I can't stop thinking about Javlon...Did he plan a lot for the future? Some people think that money is equal to happiness...I doubt it, it might make things easier, but not happier...Do I just write this, because I know that I will never be rich...a journalist will never get rich...maybe I should just live of the state...HURRAY for the welfare state.
I could have studied more and maybe gotten into a good university....But I really enjoyed laying in my bed writing these poems....I could have done my EE about other things than a book about drugs, but this book was just soooo good, and the movie even better....I shouldn't have talked with Mariano until 02.00 that night, when I had my English Oral the day after, I could have decided not to leave the history exam 1 1/2 hour before time, but I really wanted to go to Flekke Shop....btw, I think that i enjoyed quite a lot my whole life...but I never went skiing, climbing or sailing in the kayak at the college...whatever, Life is too short to think about all this....Who came third in World War II?!? Maybe I should go to bed now...
Has God ever got it wrong?"

"Let me present you for our Dear Mr. Johnson. Roselina would not be able to survive without him. He is our only contact with
the "land world". He rarely complains, only when he doesn't get enough to drink....he gladly helps all of us (11!!) at the same time, and he loves to go fast.... Mr. Johnson is always awake when we have been out clubbing, even though we have to wait for him sometimes....Dear Mr. Johson, you are the best engine that we have ever had!"

"I take up your dingy!", "What did you say?", "Im da man to take up the dingy", "what does it mean?", "I keep eye on your dingy when you are checkking"...."ehh, okay"....Boat boys are everywhere, they will gladly watch over your boat, and if you say no, then they will steal from it. They will help you with finding a laundry place, a nice restaurant, the police station, and where to get water on the boat. They are always willing to help you taking the boat up on the beach... They are everywhere
, especially in Cape Verde...but today I met a young kid on St. Lucia...they have discovered a new business here"

"So many days without a shower....Back home, I take a shower every single, I can go for 2 weeks without a shower...and no one complains, because everyone else on the boat does the same...The same with the washing of the clothes,
one month is nothing when you have ten pair of underwear’s....Sounds disgusting? I just have to remind myself that we are jumping in the ocean everyday, we are outside in the rain, and we only use a swimming suit, and rarely a t-shirt"

"BARBADOS!!! I saw grass today...both kinds, yeah, first the nice green grass, and then the grass that everyone calls Charley here...Everyone is asking if I want to smoke something, and people are smoking openly. I can also get something to the nose..
But I have to say no...I don’t have the money, and the boat doesn't allow time Barbados, next time..."

"CHRISTMAS SONGS! WHAT! NOW! But...where is the snow? The long warm jackets? and most importantly of all...where is my moms home baked cakes?... I saw a Christmas Show today, and the girls were only wearing bikinis...WTF, that is not Christmas, at least not the Christmas that I am used to.... Christmas in the heat is very differently from what I am used to..."

" best friend. He has been with me all the way since Gran Canaria. He is there when I am alone, and when everyone is looking at him. He takes the same walk everyday. From East to West. He has a nice belt, called, Orion's Belt, and there he has three small dots that I am always looking for in the middle of the night, when I am standing alone on the deck. The
starsign Orion is fantastic, and I feel something deep in my heart when I see it. It is so alive, and so far away...but always there!

"okay, this is going to be short, because I am very tired. I saw dolphins. Five of them jumping in the dark. They showed me the way. and then left in the dark. They never sleep. They always happy...or dear dolphins, thanks and goodnight"

"Every beer has is own island.... Banks belongs to Barbados, Piton belongs to St. Lucia, and Antigua has Wadadli (the slogan goes, Our Island, Our beer), the whole Caribbean's has the best of them all. It is called CARIBS"

"LOVE! I am in Love. I rarely falls in Love in material things...but it happened this time. My Love is a 20 years old girl. Or actually, a woman... She has seen quite a lot of the world. Her name is Roselina. I have never been the biggest sailor.
Two months ago, I didn't know anything about sailing. I couldn't see the difference between a Swan, a Ketch, a Benetou or a schooner. I did not know how to take up a sail, sail into a harbour, or cook food in big waves. I am actually gotten into it now, I would not mind crossing the Atlantic one my time. I can be fascinated by big boats, and yesterday we saw a big cruiser ship with 5 masts, I simply had to take a picture of it. Normally, I wouldn't take pictures of silly ships...but I do now.
I just need a tattoo now with a big anchorage."


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