The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I am on my way to Barquisimeto...

I am on my way to Barquisimeto, the town of Pedro Pablo’s parents. I guess I will be staying there for 5-6 days, before I travel towards Quito. My time in Caracas has been really strange; I have seen the real backpacker life with a 25 years old guy from New York, and an old British dude. It is interesting to find out how difficult it is to get off the beaten track. I saw a bit more of down-town Caracas today, and then I went on the cable cars all the way up to the top of a mountain, which is surrounding the city.
I am still really tired from my overnight sleep that I had in Port of Spain airport, but I guess that is a part of my trip. To sleep in airports, eat little and not get enough sleep. I have met so many cool people on my trip, and I hope I will meet even more.
South America, be ware!
Btw, I expected it to be a lot more difficult to travel around here alone, but I can only recommend it. Right now, I actually prefer to travel alone….but let's see in one month's time.

Another thing before I go out and eat….If anyone in South America wants a little visit from a Dane, then just write me!
Hasta Luego!


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