The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Some thoughts...

I thought about some few things during the day....And I will like to share it with you.

In the cantina I thought if the hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread?
and later on I thought about why is the phrase 'It's none of my business' always followed by 'but...'?
After the "substance abuse" week I thought about if LSD was to be advertised on T.V., would the slogan be "LSD melts in your mind, not in your hand"?
and then when I saw Alpar I thought about why do some people express their burning desires to be different by dressing exactly the same?
And while sitting with our "wonderful new gift from Microsoft, I thought about if Tablet PC's are the ultimate triumph of marketing over technology?
and after discussing a essay with Angie I wonder why does everybody have a different definition of 'good enough'?...and after talking with "CENSORED" in the cantina I wonder IF you are what you eat, because then must this guy eat a lot of Arseholes?
and after talking with Max I thought about if lighting os the only difference between pornography and erotica?.....

/Mads - Is the best way to learn safety rules by accident?


Blogger Dilly said...

The thought of eating arseholes is just quite so disturbing. Brings up memories of Nikos' two arseholes.

What's good enough? Well it all depends on you, as long as you think *you* are good enough :)


5:26 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

How can you eat an asshole though? I mean, if you eat a donut, do you eat a hole or a circular shape?

8:08 AM  

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