The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Nepal and their language

I did a great discovery today during lunch. The Nepalese language is a bit sick, but also VERY easy to learn. It basically consists of one word, just pronounced with a different voice :)… Let’s take three random words that I know about in Nepalese:
1) Wisdom tooth
2) Vagina
3) A girl name

And here is the Nepalese translation then:
1) Puti
2) Buddi
3) Bhuti

All of it sounds exactly the same…. What a nice language… That will mean that I could write: “my name is Mads and I come from Denmark” in Nepalese like this:
“buudi buthie Mads butt buddie bhuti Denbhut”

What a weird world… What a weird place UWC is… Let me escape before I go crazy, let me see the world instead of Flekke, let me go and live! So, Hey Little airplane please pick me up and take me to places that no one else will go to! Someone argues that leaving this place changes everything, but in the wrong direction… but I don’t agree, the beautiful thing about Life is that we don’t know where it all will end.

“If he had been looking to both sides
Before he crossed the road
If he hadn’t cross the road
If he had made the line more clear
If he had just looked at the road
Just dreamt about the way to walk
If he had just decided not to live
Then he probably won’t be dead”

The problem is that I see to many people just floating like cloud go with the air, I personally believe that you get stronger from swimming against the stream, instead of with the stream. I will go and make friends with strangers, and maybe even learn proper Nepalese! I’m drifting back to childhood… Keep away from all the grey parts of Life…..

I’m butti to bhuti, and I will never putti with buthyt


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