The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cartoons and freedom of speech

Please everyone, go to BBC or CNN´s homepage and read about the problems that Danes has with Muslims these days....Please, study the history, and then write me a comment about it.
This is a about democracy, freedom of speech, respect of other people, and how hate to other culture can grow really fast in some few days. The danish right-wing party is most likely going to win the next election, due to the way that some few(?) muslims are reacting to this.

I know what I think about this whole issue, but I would like to know YOUR oppion.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

a few? i think you need to read up on this topic mads..

12:13 PM  
Blogger Veruska said...

hey mads,
what I think? to be honest I am a bit confused. If you want to justify the cartoons by saying that there is freedom of speech, then a lot of other parts of the system would probably break down. I don't know much about Denmark, but in the Czech Republic we have some laws that forbid promoting racism, anti-semitism, also forbid public offense and such stuff. I don't know if you have those in Denmark.. But I think that freedom of speech is not ultimate. If people started making fun of black people or Jewish people it would just all end up in "oh-you-are-so-bad" kind of fight. But if it is about Muslims who suffer the stigma of being terrorists it is often considered to be just fine..
And I dont know. I think that offending people is not the best way how to integrate them. At the same time, one cna never avoid offending people.
Slightly ToK.

10:16 AM  

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