The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Friday, February 09, 2007

London Called...

It has been a while since I have found the time and the strength to write about my trip to London with Klaus.

The week was one long journey into the land of the Brits and the brave, brave because we did the so-called “Spider”.
We didn’t do much sightseeing and the few photos I have from there is mostly from different parties, cafés or shopping.
Klaus and I stayed at the same hostel, pretty cheap (and pretty Russian) and still in the centre of London.

We hanged around with Max, saw his “house” where he is staying with some really cool people…but I wouldn’t like to be treated by them when I need a doctor…
We also stayed with Charlie at the LSE dorms, and my prejudices about LSE were…hmm..yes, right. Nevertheless, Herman, Klaus, Mathias, Max and I enjoyed the “Tipsy Beaver” (The bar that is connected with the dorms), where we played pool and fuss ball almost every single day. The Tipsy Beaver was also the place that we practised for the “Spider”.

The daytime was spent on hangovers and shopping, buying so many books that I had overweight…Furthermore I also bought a nice suit (I needed one for the lecture at LSE we went to….). Klaus and I were the “odd once out” when we as the only people showed up in nice suits and black shoes to the lecture of WMD.

Let me explain you about “The Spider” at St. Georges Hospital. Almost once every week is there a “society” meeting at the pub at the hospital. All of them with One goal; to be a Spider and get the notorious “Spider tie” (blue, with 7 small red Spiders on). To get the tie you have to be able to drink 7 (SEVEN) pints in one hour, 1 (one) of them has to be in less than 7 (seven) seconds! All this is of course without going to the toilet or puke. If you do so, you have to drink an extra pint. When you puke – not because of the amount of alcohol, but most likely because of the volume in your stomach – then you have to do it in a “special puke bucket”.
I am proud to say today that I am a Spider (some people would say alcoholic).

The last night Mathias and I met with Negar and friends out in town…..I came home at 09.30 next morning, not remembering where I had slept and how I got there….but that is another story that you will get another day.

So, as a last note I would like to mention that I got accepted to Queen Mary, City university of London for “Journalism and Contemporary History”, so if I don’t fuck up then I will start there in September 2007 (still have to find out what to do if I get into any Danish universities).
…I am sorry for the lack of creativity in this note….the trip was just so amazing that I can’t put into words… next post will, inshallah, be better.


Blogger Anicko said...

Mads, is this true? ...or why am I even asking, I know you Danes - that's the _culture_, right? :) CONGRATS on getting accepted to QM!!!!

12:28 PM  
Blogger ...The eyes of the world said...

It is true, and not true. It is an ad. made to a "Drive Safety Campaign" in Denmark...

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that you went to the RCN UWC. I want to go there this year. It seems to be a wonderful place.
I also read that you're insterested in Argentine history.
So, if you want to contact me, my MSN Messenger is
I'd like to get to know you :)

Kisses from Argentina.

2:25 PM  

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