The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Who am I?

My mom thought she met someone she knew from her old work, however, they woman did not remember my mom at the first place. Two days later she writes back that she remember my mom, but she mixed my mom up with someone else. Then my mom writes back to inform her that she is another person (which is a bit strange thing to write). The woman who messed my mom up with another person then remember my mom and she writes back:

"It always nice to know who oneself is"

I really liked that quote....I am sorry that the story is so confusing....I guess that it is more fun if you knew my mom....or just knew the story from the start....anyway, I am happy today because I will see Martin Clifford (my great friend since I was 8 month) and I am also seeing my niece (Vera) for the first time (she is almost 3 weeks old now!!).

If anyone knows anyone at Cape Verde then write me, because I am going there in some few days :-)... Life is Good, I miss the Sahara....but just a bit....The colours are beautiful in Denmark, red, yellow and brown....I love autumn...


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