The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Impossible to have a World Hamlet

It is a proven fact that there are more people on the earth now, than people who has died throughout history. That means that it would be impossible for the earths population to play Hamlet, there simply wouldn't be sculls enough.

I was at a great party two days ago. It was with four of the people that I crossed the Atlantic with, four people that I haven't seen for quite a while. We started out with some nice red wine, made a nice pizza and drank a beer while doing that. We drank rum&coke to the dinner and some light white wine for desert.
Then we went to Christiania, at Loppen, were one of my friends friends had his birthday party. A quite famous band came there to play, even though there was no more than a hundred people there. I tasted the grass and drank some beers....and much more I dont remember.

One of my first memories is Denmark winning the European Championship in 1992. That's a pretty "late" memory.... I also remember other things from before that, however I mostly remember it because I have seen pictures and films from it. What I dislike about memories is that most of them are "created" memories. What I mean is that most of the things I remember is based on photos, writings, films, or most of the time, from talking with friends. Of course I also have "clean" memories, but they are primarily from my own inner feelings (and then still, I have written most of my feelings down my whole Life).

I went running again today. Dunno if you remember, but I have this bet with AK about a race in the spring. If I can run X km at some point in the spring, then she will give me a crate of beers...I am really praticing a lot for that. Nevertheless, I still find runing EXTREMELY boring...and also rather useless.

My parents asked me yesterday to make a wishlist for Christmas and my birthday....I couldn't come up with anything I need. Actually quite a nice feeling to know that I don't miss anything (that being materials only!). Okay, I would always like to get books....however, the books I can buy much cheaper myself from different contacts. I would also like to own some Danish design, but I can also get that much cheaper.... So this Christmas is going to be a more or less "gift free" Christmas.

I have entered the "famous" world...and damn, I feel nerdy in there. I still don't get the "Poke" thing. I haven't found out what to write - and what not to write - on the walls. I mostly think it is a place to take care of one's ego, still that is also pretty neat sometimes.

My mother asked me if I wants to go to Cuba with her in March. So, Fidel C. if you read this: Please stay alive until then!!!!


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