The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Yesterday we had giant waves and a lot of wind, the boat was dancing on the sea and the passengers stopped dancing in the disco. When a big ship with 2000 passengers and crew starts to move it means that mother nature is angry for some reason... Normally the route from Oslo to Copenhagen is pretty neat, but not this time.
I actually liked it. I rarely feel that I am sailing when I am onboard this cruiseship, however yesterday was a bit like the time when I crossed the Atlantic with Roselina, oh my dear Love....
I have often thought about the time in my Life where I had the biggest feeling of Freedom in my heart and mind, and I came to the conclusion that it was int he middle of the Atlantic steering a little tiny wodden ship. At that point, far away from everyone and everything I felt Free.... and that is even though that Mother Nature could change my Life in a second....

"What makes you the happiest of all the things you do, and how could you do more of it?"
Most people will maybe not believe me now, but what makes me the happiest of all is to surprise people with "non-material" gifts. When I can give a thought, a letter, a hug, or something that a person don't expect then I feel happy. It is interesting, because on the contary I really dislike (almost hate) December month...Christmas, my b-day, advent, new years....It looks like a perfect time to make other people happy, nevertheless I don't feel "honest" in that period...

Another thing that makes me happy is when I am halfway through a good book. I have this strange thing of counting the pages in a book before I start so I know when I am half way...I also plan how many pages to read daily etc. When I reach my "half way mark" then i sometimes just stop up and think....and smile. It means that I am getting closer to an end and I can't start "turning back". It is also a bit sad to end a good book, therefore the middle is perfect!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i value gifts that are made rather than bought much more too, mads.

people have to realise than money, though powerful, cannot buy everything. it cannot, for example, buy happiness of the other person.

the gift must be just coming straight out of a heart of the person who's giving...

8:38 PM  

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