Yes, the youth is lazy I know....But I discovered today that it is simply impossible for me to work under these conditions... A four hour exam ended up being one hour. I hope that I can take my REAL IB exam most seriously than my mocks....
I´m sitting in Max´ room right now...try to "study"...but I am not studying "Pollution Management" or "Tao", I´m reading "Kalle Anka - Glad Påske".... Here is an example of the good litt.:-Har du hört att fjortonåringar blir kallade "fjortisar"?
-Da kan jag ju kalla mig för Elvis, för jag är 11...
Btw, before I go.... do you know if animals kiss? I mean, of course some of them have sex for the fun of it...but do they kiss? i have discussed this with Karina for hours and hours...and she still think that a beaver og a tiger can invite her date to a romantic dinner, and then kiss a bit with her....Hmm....KARINA...Welcome to reality! Animals kill, chill out and have sex!
/Mads - mock...