The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Friday, September 29, 2006

Why not (Said with an Italian accent)

I will only be answering the questions that I find important or interesting....´

I'm working...everyone keeps looking at me, so I'll stop with the crazy writing here.

-----------------DESCRIBE--------------- -----
-- YOUR HERITAGE: Nordic....
-- THE SHOES YOU WORE TODAY: black leathershoes (a part of my uniform)
-- YOUR EYES: Blue
-- YOUR WEAKNESS: I can resist anything, but temptation
-- YOUR FEARS: The Fear itself
-- ONE THING YOU'D LIKE TO ACHIEVE: Where do you want me to start? I only live to achieve... Be a journalist, take the perfect photo,get married (with a person I love, and she/he loves me... if Love exist)

-----------------WHAT IS--------------------
-- YOUR FIRST THROUGHTS WAKING UP THIS MORNING: I run my whole morning through
-- YOUR BEDTIME: 22.30 (due to my job)
-- YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: never done anything great
-- YOUR MOST MISSED MEMORY: The summerholidays with my friend Martin.

-----------------YOU PREFER--------------------
-- PEPSI OR COKE: coke
-- SINGLE OR GROUP DATES: hate dates anyway...."Let's go to the cinema, so we dont have to talk for 2 hours"
-- CAPPUCCINO OR COFFEE: Cappuccino with canesugar!

-----------------DO YOU--------------------
--TAKE A SHOWER EVERYDAY: I am dead man walking without a shower in the morning.
-- HAVE A CRUSH(ES): All the time....
-- WANT TO GET MARRIED: Yes...but not in a church...and only because of the legal rights there follow by marriage.
-- THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE: Never thought....ehh, actually I do when I am drunk
-- THINK YOU'RE A HEALTH FREAK: What is the opposite? I am an mentally health freak
-- LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: WHen I am inside, reading a book, drinking tea, with my cat and a fire in the fireplace...
-- PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: Tried saxofon for a while...

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------
--FLOWN ON A PLANE: Yeah...but it crashed...(a really bad computergame)
-- MISSED SCHOOL BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING?: I have never missed school because of the weather, I always get a guilttrip when I miss school
-- TOLD A GUY/GIRL THAT YOU LIKED THEM?: Yeah, on Roskilde I did that 25 times a all kind of different girls.
-- CRIED DURING A MOVIE?: Yes, both for laughing and sadness, ever watched CRASH?!
-- HAD AN IMAGINARY FRIEND: I had a chinese friend for quite a while when I was 5-6 years old....often talked with him openly, so people thought I was crazy
-- BEEN ON STAGE?: I have been on the stage since 21st of December 1985.
-- CUT YOUR HAIR: I have to have it short because of my job, and I look like a dickhead now..

-----------------NUMBER OF-------------------
-- NUMBER OF PEOPLE I COULD TRUST WITH MY LIFE: I'll find out...right now, very few
-- NUMBER OF TATTOOS: I am still in a big dilemma if I should get one or not... I think there should be some special occasion behind getting one, or else I wouldnt do it.
-- NUMBER OF SCARS ON MY BODY: eight or nine on the outside, many more inside. The two biggest one will most likely never disappear and will stay as a hard memory of a hard period in my Life
-- NUMBER OF THINGS IN MY PAST THAT I REGRET: I hate this cliche that everyone says: "I dont regret anything"...that is bullshit, I really hope that people regret when they hurt someone or hurt themself....I regret a lot of things.....a lot....

----------------FAVORITES--------------- -----
--SHAMPOO: Who cares...and who read these?
-- FAV COLOR: Yellow was my favorite colour for quite a while. I always connected it with the opposite of darkness, and I was scared of the dark when I was little...hence, I like yellow a lot!
-- DAY/NIGHT: In between
-- SUMMER/WINTER: Summer! Winter is equal to phonieness from everyone....
-- FAVE CARTOON CHARACTER: Goofy, maybe because he reminds me of myself
-- FAVE FOOD: Free food, especially pancakes....nam nam nam
-- FAVE MOVIES: Citizen Kane for its style, Forest Gump for the story and many more just for the entertainment they provide (like Clockwork Orange, Crash, Modern Times, Gladiator, the early JB's,, American Beauty, Amelie, Volver, Full Metal Jacket, Deer Hunter)
-- FAVE SPORT: Meditation/yoga
-- FAVE SONG: When I am working and tired it must be: Ace of Base with "all that she wants"

----------------RIGHT NOW--------------------
-- WEARING: My ugly khaki uniform (white shirt, ugly blue tie with small ships on, my lovely diving watch, "Suena Bolivia" wristband, and my leatherstring from Venezuela.
-- DRINKING: Water
-- THINKING ABOUT: what to answer
-- LISTENING TO: the AirCon

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------------------
-- CRIED: a little
-- WORN JEANS: si!
-- TALKED ON THE PHONE: I answer phones all the time...

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------------
-- YOURSELF: When I am drunk or discussing topics that I know something about! (And also when I play Trivial Pursuit)
-- YOUR FRIENDS: Prefer not to answer....
-- SANTA CLAUSE: I hate christmas
-- DESTINY/FATE: You have a choice, but you will die in the end, yes, I gues.... to die is our faith

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------------------
-- WHICH ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ACTS THE MOST LIKE YOU?: Everyone is a bit Mads, that is why I have them as friends...still most of them are as far as way from being Mads as possible
-- WHO HAVE YOU KNOWN THE LONGEST OF YOUR FRIENDS?: Martin!! We met each other when we were 2 years old. He still lives right around the corner
-- WHO DO YOU HANG AROUND THE MOST?: my books and diary
-- WHEN DO YOU CRY THE MOST: When I have something in my eyes....or when I think back to "those" times....
-- WHAT'S THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: emptyness in the good way
-- WORST FEELING?: Emptyness in the bad way
--WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?: 10 min. before my collegues come...

CURRENT TASTE: toothpaste
CURRENT HAIR: Like my job likes it. Nice and clean.
CURRENT ANNOYANCE: That I answered these stupid questions...and that people are actually reading them and think that they know me well... if you want to know me then write me questions, don't read this stupid nonsens and say that you know me.....
CURRENT SMELL: Pearl Of Scandinavia
CURRENT WINDOWS OPEN: Youtube, STAR, ReportCiss,ShipCiss,Outlook,Notes,CINEMAREPORTS, lost&found.
CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE: Nothing....I miss my desktop from back home....The most beautiful iceberg I have seen in the world. A perfect Kodak Moment.
CURRENT BOOK: Which one of them?!?

REMEMBER YOUR FIRST LOVE?: Never felt it truely
READ THE NEWSPAPER?: all the time....a bit of an addict
CONSIDER LOVE A MISTAKE?: I wrote an essay about it, so yes...
LIKE THE TASTE OF ALCOHOL?: not pure alc, but everything with percent in!!
HAVE A FAVORITE CANDY?: chocolate...
DONE WELL IN SCHOOL?: never.... or that depends what "well" it only about the grade?
WISH ON STARS?: How can one not wish on stars??!
LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?: On a computer, yes.
CARE ABOUT LOOKS?: Who doesn't?!? Seriously, if you see a very uhygenic person, everything thinks something....

DORK: Yep x 2
BRAT: I have my "brat" moments
SARCASTIC: Never!........
SHY: Not really.....after a beer or two!
TALKATIVE: If I dont talk, then I am dead.
ADVENTUROUS: what does that word mean in 2006?
JOKER: never

LAST BOOK YOU READ: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, steppenwolf og det uperfekte menneske.
LAST SONG YOU HEARD: All that she wants (ace of base)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mind will come...

And so the Life moved on for the Man who lived in the little town in a little cold place in the far North. No one ever thought he would be there, but the remarkable drawings in the sand were the signs he gave. Drawings made with his right food and his imagination. Today he still takes a walk to the beach, this time to drive a line in the sand with his walking stick just to see the thin fine line vanish when the salty water eats it.

Thursday was spent in nice and good company together with companions and a photo exhibition (By one of my great idols, Robert Capa, famous for the line; “If the picture is bad, you are not close enough). I met Louise at a café to drink a cappuccino and talk about past, present and the future. We talked a little about the good memories from the college (how interesting that we mostly remember the good times), we talked about her university life and how it is to study Law, we talked about her trip to
Ecuador and the trips she is planning to do. A coffee later, we drank some beers and it was time to separate again, because I was going to eat my dinner at his place.

Klaus is a changed man. He told me to meet him at 16:25, not before, not later, because he is walking seriously with his Life these days, both at university and at his job. To make a long story short, Klaus and I met Louise at CBS (Copenhagen Business School) where Pablo and Mette is studying, we all went out to Istedgade on Vesterebro where we enjoyed some of specialities that the local brewery could offer to us. All in all, a pleasant evening in downtown Copenhagen with people I rarely see for the reason that my job on the sea is long, ohh the hard Life of a sailor.

I try to catch the moments. The window is little and everything around it is so big. How do I get the smell, the wind, the sound into this little frame? Not too much, that is disturbing. Not too little, then it is empty and without a soul. My job is to catch the moments. The moment when everything is perfect. Nothing more, nothing less, just perfection. I need to be fast and patient. Serene with what I want. I look in the seeker, focus, zoom a bit out, and focus again. Should I use the golden ratio now? I inhale the air. I click down halfway. Click all the way. Wait. Two seconds. Then exhale. Everything is in slow-motion, even though it only took a millisecond.

I met AK in CPH airport. We were going to Stockholm together. Flying is not my favourite of travelling, too fast. Too cold. Nevertheless, I Love airport, on the other hand… who doesn’t Love airport? We get into the plane, and I am a bit nervous for the man next to me, he hasn’t turned off his fancy cell phone yet, and we are in the air now. Below us the cars are nothing more than “high tech” ants. Why do I get nervous? I mean, a cellphone wouldn’t make the plane crash…. Or would it?.... naaa, I’ll just focus on the magazine. We will be in Arlanda, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1 hour.

We catch the train from the airport to the central station, we catch the metro from the station towards Vasastad where Max will meet us. We walk for ten minutes, then we are there. Wauw, Charlie has really changed is the first thought that goes to my head. He is more slim than ever, and looks extremely healthy. The reason why the four of us meet in Stockholm is because Charlie and Max will be running a 30 KM race in Stockholm. The biggest running race in Sweden.

It was a bit weird the first time. I was so exhausted and felt that I should never do this again, still it was also nice. While standing under the shower I thought about the things I have been through to do what I just did. To do what a lot of other people are doing and everyone is talking about. I remember how I went into the shop, a bit nervous…I mean; I didn’t want to admit that it was my first time. I bought what I needed to buy, 1500 Danish kroner. That is a lot of money and I didn’t even know if I would like it. I go home again. I don’t use the things I have bought for a long time. Then suddenly I want to do it. It is at my job. I prepare mentally. Runs everything through my head before I start. My goal is 20 min. and with no stops. I can’t really remember how it was while doing it. Just that I regret that I didn’t bring music. Nevertheless, I have to do it again. I didn’t like it at all. Didn’t feel anything special afterwards, okay, maybe a bit healthy, but nothing more than that. I don’t like running. I don’t get this fuzz about running, it is boring and useless. I really prefer swimming. Swimming is training of the whole body. Furthermore swimming is useful; if a person drowns I can swim out and help him. Nevertheless, I am going running again… maybe today, dunno, I just don’t like it.

The four of us went around the city.
Stockholm is really beautiful, not as small and dull as Oslo, not as compact and diverse as Copenhagen, but it has a vibe. It is very beautiful, build on 14 islands so there are bridges everywhere, I like bridges a lot. A lot of old buildings and a lot of young people. All wearing the most trendy expensive clothes that money can buy. Max showed us the whole town, the parliament, the castle, the famous hotels. We were sitting at a dock for hours’ talking about How Wonderful Life is. We went home to Max’s sisters flat where we cooked a pasta dish a’la “RCN style”. AK and I shared a wine, Max and Charlie prepared mentally for the race the day after.

Max and Charlie is going to
London soon (they are probably already there when you read this). I talked with Claudia the other day, she is in York now. Ellie and Matt is studying at the same university in Edinburgh, and Mette, Pablo, Klaus and Louise have all started to study in Denmark, Naja went to Canada and Trent. I met Malin and Lisa in Stockholm; they are studying together in Upsala. Marte and Ingvill has both started at South American studies in Bergen. Herman is going to LSE and London. Negar and Emilja are already in London. David L. is going to England as well very soon. I talked with Jani the other day, he is doing well at Princeton – where Joonas and Alberto is. Oh, you wonder where I am? I am working. Working onboard a cruiseship. Working in the Guest Service Center. I am working a lot. Could I have done different? Yes. I got accepted to History at Copenhagen University. Why didn’t I accept the offer? Good question. Today, I still don’t know. I wish I had started at university. Stupid me. Stupid Mads.

On the day of the run, AK and I enjoyed a sightseeing tour around the streets of
Stockholm. While Max and Charlie were running, we saw Andy Warhols drawings at the Museum for Modern Art. When they have ran around half-way, we were eating a delicious carrot cake and drinking smoothies at a nice café in downtown. When they were almost done, AK and I met up with Lisa, Matilda and Malin and together we went out to the Finish line of the race. Damn, there were soooo many people out there. People came running in, some puking, some walking, some bleeding from their nipples, some looked like they could run double as much, some dressed up, some ran hand in hand in, some sprinted, everyone were happy to have finished. Max got in after 2 hours and 55 minutes, Charlie a little later. Quite a good time for both of them. I mean, it would take me 6½ hours to do it, because I would be walking all the way.

We went home to the flat again. Talked, looked a pictures from Roskilde, drank a beer, gave Charlie a massage, listen to music, finding out everything about Lisa, and then Max told us to be quite because of the neighbours and so we went out for dinner. We went to a nice thai-buffet, drank and ate plenty of food, sushi, noodles, seefood “en croûte”, cheesecake and icecream. We talked and laughed. Went back and drank a bit more. Woke up the next morning, feeling a bit hangover.

One should never get to like money. It is not healthy; it stops more than it creates. I am close to get addicted to money. It is nice to be able to buy books and visit friends. It is not nice to get as far as I am now. I love my money so much, that I have been thinking about not travelling anywhere the next year. Just keep working and save up money for the hard student Life. My goal is 10.000, 40.000, 50.000 or yeah almost 10000000000000 kroner. I could if I wanted to. If I don’t travel, if I don’t buy this new thing for my camera, if I don’t go and visit Matt in Scotland, Ana in Spain, and the rest of the world. Damn, these money. They almost got me!

AK, Charlie, Max and I took the train from
Stockholm to Malmø. It is a 5½ hours long trainride and damn, it was boring. I entertainted myself with a book. A bit of writing (bad writing), talking with Charlie, eating, Talking with Max, drinking some WATER, massaging and talking with AK….and so we arrived nice and safe in Malmø after 5 hours and 27 minutes later. I took the train from Sweden to Denmark. From Denmark I went into my own world. Got a book. Went on a dream to my other World. I left my Other World when I was in Haslev. Got to bed. Woke up from bed. Talked with Itay. He is going back to the army today. Went to bed. Thought about Itay, Stockholm, running, writing, why I always spill on my white shirts but never on my black, thought about the future. Thought about a girl, thought about what money can buy. Thought about what money can’t buy. Thought about writing some few lines about the weekend. Thought about……

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Khalil Girban, The Prophet

How shall I go in peace and without sorrow? Nay, not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave this city.
Long were the days of pain I have spent within its walls , and long were the nights of aloneness; and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret? Too many fragments of the spirit have I scattered in these streets... It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands.

Jeg druknede mine sorger, men de lærte at svømme.

I was walking along the harbour of Oslo some days ago. The sun was shining, the kids were smiling and I was in my sanctuary. My headphones, my music, my blazer, my camera, myself and my thoughts. I walked from my "office" at Vippetangen to the area around Akers Brygge. On my way I saw a lot people sitting and fishing at the jetty. When seeing them from behind they all looked perfectly symmetric and if there is something that a photographer like, then it is symmetry. I took a lot of pictures of them, feeling a bit like a spy or maybe a child-abuser taking pictures in the hidden. My new Canon EOS 500 makes a little click every time I press with my right index finger on the trigger. My weapon sounds like an avanlanche when trying not to destroy the moment.
After I had been walking for 15 min. I see a very peaceful man. He is just sitting there with his upper part of the body a naked and looking over the fjords. He seems in some kind of trance and doesn't regonize the people passing close by him. This is the image I was looking for... I take my dear camera in front of my eyes and focus on the objective with my left hand. A bit to the left, bit to the it is there. The focus is good now. I am half done with the click, half done with the picture when I suddenly see something in the view-finder. There is reason why he is so peaceful..... There is a reason why he doesn't care about the surroundings.... a sad reason.
In the right arm, right in the muscle there is a doctors tool (and this man is not a doctor).... No one has seen that this man has an hypodermic needle in his arm..... I take one picture fast, now a bit out of focus and walks away.
Not very proffessional, no, not at all.... A "real" photographer would zoom a bit more, would go a bit closer. I am standing in the distance taking a snapshot.
Welcome to Oslo I think in myself.

I do not think that anyone can see it, but try to looking on the middle of his right arm...yes, it is there....not just a story.....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

You are unique… just like everyone else - Slogans for UWC

Dear Reader:

I was thinking...hmm...bad start for me.
United World College needs a slogan. A slogan so we can sell our ideas and ideals like coca-cola and McDonalds. This best way to get a slogan is to steal it from someone else, so I have selected a few good slogans for UWC:
"The toughest job you'll ever love" ~ Peace Corps
"Connecting people." ~ Nokia
"intelligence everywhere" ~ Motorola
"Let's Make Things Better" ~ Philips
"Make yourself heard" ~ Ericsson
"Now You're Playing With Power!" ~ Nintendo Entertainment System
"In a world full surrounded by Windows, we're handing out rocks" ~ BeOS Radio
"Where do you want to go today?" ~ Microsoft, 1996
"For successful living" ~ Diesel
"King of good times." ~Kingfisher Beer, (India).
"When it rains, it pours." ~ Morton Salt (1911)
"We drink all we can. The rest we sell." ~ Utica Club, 1965, Doyle Dane Bernbach
"Ambassador, with these Ferrero Roché you're really spoiling us" (just like the commercial)
"I'd Walk a Mile for A Camel" ~ Camel cigarettes (third year option....)
"Accelerate Your Life." - US Navy
This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" ~ The Partnership for a Drug-Free America

ehh......any better?....sometimes I think I have too much time on my job....

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition (T.Leary)

Rolling Stones, B.B. King and Yasmin Levy...three names that I would have liked to seen last week. I could have gotten two free tickets to the Rolling Stones concert, I would have bought the tickets to the King of Blues (probably his last concert in Denmark) and Yasmin Levy sounds extremely interesting, she is a part of the Images of the Middleeast that is going on in DK these days. She mixes Spanish, arabic and jewish lyrics and music.

Yesterday there was a program on TV called: "Test the Nation" to find out how intelligent the Danish nation is. I got 54 out of 70 correct, I could answer the culture, history and political questions without problems but the math and sciences questions were horrible. The average was 45 correct, so I guess I did okay. I also realized that I really sucked big time in chemistry!
The test was taken by more than 100.000 Danes and it proved that Men are smarter than women, people living on Seeland is more clever than people from Jutland, and that people with glasses are more intelligent....interesting...

It was with no suprise that I read the news some days ago. The Danish youth are the youth in Europa that are drinking the most. "We" start the earliere than other people and drink even more. Why is that? Is it because it is a bit cheaper than in NOrway and Sweden? Is it because we have grown up with seeing Carlsberg and Tuborg everywhere? Is it because we are so liberal, that our parents think that we can control ourselves. Because our parents, teachers and other adults belive that if you trust young people, then they trust you....hmm.... Drinking too much is never too good, but I cant see a problem in just drinking to socialze, enjoy or have fun. To banned something is the worse you can ever do. (this doesnt include Helmuth Lotti and can band these two "things".)

Some scientist were discussing yesterday in the news that the Danish language is disappearing, because of all the english words that we adapt into our language. Like, computer, lighter and airbag. Then also the fancy terms as, coaching, team building, brain storming etc. Some people just tend to forget that 50% of the Danish gramma comes from German, furthermore most of our language is based on french and latin. The most funny aspect of all this is that Danes also "invent" new english words. Like the danish word "baby lift" that everything thinks is english, when it actually name in English is a carry cot.

So, news from the homefront. I will be leaving to Stockholm in two weeks together with AK. We are going to stay in Max's sisters flat together with Charley and Max. We might also see Malin and Lisa.
I just heard the song: "All that she wants" by Ace of Base, when I played it on the ship everyone suddenly started to dance and sing along. I think there is something magic about the song! How else can it make 20 people sing and dance, while they are "working"?!?
I am in Oslo today and I will most likely go and see the Nobel Museum today. It is a bit embarrising that I spend half of my Life in a city that I never see.

Todays quote is a bit insperied by Itay's birthday yesterday... It is a quote from the Best Book ever written (and was written in my bed by Alpar)
"Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé."


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Random blog-nonsens

So autum has started. 1st of september is the end of the summer and the begining of something new for many people. Like Klaus, Mette, Louise and Pablo, there are all starting university in Denmark these days....and I am still sitting on my pathetic cruise-ship working and contemplating over my future. Life it what happens when you are planning it....
I have been taking a lot pictures lately, think I will post them when I get home to my own computer (in like, 2 weeks).....

I just read a really good article about war, and why Denmark is bound to loose. A country that is built on Humanism cannot win a war, because the country is not ready to sacrifice the cost of it. Like people dying. War is not a nice and sweet democratic thing, hence the "nice and sweet" countries will loose any war. Furthermore, the genoration that isfighting now is the smallest genoration for a long time, therefore we cannot send as many people to war as in the Second World War.

Another article I read was about the "Islamism" in Denmark these days. The term is quoted from a very respectable political commentator. He compares "Islamism" to Communism during Stalin and Nazim. Personally I think it is totally out of comparrison, of course there are some rotten aples in the basket, nevertheless there are peaceful Islamic countries. The most discussed topic these days in Denmark is immigrants and Islam. A lot of people only see anyone with a little tanned as the most evil people in the world, furthermore Islam is seen as a religion that is only based on killing of infidels. It is scary how big a part of the population who thinks these things and I am pretty sure that there will be a clash of religions/cultures in Europe within the next 20 years.

And now for something completely different....
Working in the reception I see a lot of things from the "other side of the desk". For example I have seen how clearly boys looks at girls. You can see how "boys" first take a look at the face, then breast, then legs, (----the girl is passing by) then ass and and legs again.... I know that I am generalizing now, however it is an impressing amount of boys who do it.

okay, so to come with the typical "blog comment"...: "I dont know if anyone reads this"....but if the person understand just a big of danish then go to :
That link is to the next place where I will buy my next flight ticket.
For my month salary this month, I can go to :

København - Rio De Janeiro // Sao Paulo - Mexico City - Charlotte - New York City - Chicago - Anchorage - San Francisco // Los Angeles - Nadi - Auckland - Sydney - Singapore - Kuala Lumpur - Bangkok - Ho Chi Minh City - Bangkok - København

Hmm...tempting...I think so....Just a bit more work, a bit less education/university and then I will go...

You are condemned to Live

I just stumble over Piet Hein grooks...He is one of the most amazing poets from DK. Here is a little one:
Love is like
a pineapple,
sweet and

Have you seen Lord Of War? An amazing movie, I saw it with Mette's friend (sarah) in Bolivia, and I have seen it more than 4 times since.... What is the best movie you have ever seen? I personally like Forest Gump a lot, but American Beauty, Crash, Full Metal Jacket, Citizen Kane, Amelie, are also pretty good.

In Sahara Max and I talked a lot about the best movies of our Life. Both of us agreed that Back to the Future:
Marty: Wait a minute, wait a minute doc, uh, are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?
Doc Brown: The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style.

then of course Indiana Jones:
Professor Henry Jones: I didn't know you could fly a plane.
Indiana Jones: Fly, yes. Land, no.

I guess I will be considered an idiot if I didnt include James Bond as well:
Bond: Bond...James Bond.

anyway... this ended up being all nonsens....just as I expected. So, to end with a bang.


Saturday, September 02, 2006


http://www.literature-map.comSo, I deeidcd taht my next post sohlud be a bit deifefnrt form all the ortehs. I gsues that ppeloe hvae hraed aubot the rsarceeh form an eglnish uvrinitsey taht it doesn't matter in waht oedrr the ltertes in a wrod are. The perolbm is that it teaks a bit loengr to raed it and I gsues taht all of you pleope wlil be terid of it after a wlhie. Anawyy, hte besiggt news these dyas are that I fnuod a rellay amwseoe hapeomge where you can fnid lratiurtee taht is slaiimr to waht you arealdy likes (I funod it on Munags' blog). Ntrlsehveees, I don't tihnk taht annyoe maegnad to raed all tihs, teeohrrfe the next post will be wettrin in a tlotlay nomral luaggane.