The Eyes of the World

One day you will wake up and find out that you are the eyes of the world!

Location: Haslev, Denmark

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Leaving for Oslo - again

I am leaving again -
no surprise, Oslo is waiting again.
My Life is on the sea
with the stars
the waves
the wind in my hair
(and the stupid guests I have to face)

I think I have the most beautiful
office view in the world.
every minute it change,
first Denmark
second Sweden,
third the Ocean
fourth, The fjords of Norway

Why should I every study
when I have a job
where I earn more money than I will ever do?


The 10 funnist "web page names":

Monday, October 30, 2006


I don't know if you "found" the Sitemeter thing on my blog, it is a function that makes it possible to see where in the world that people view my blog from. For example, when I wrote about Hornsleth and what he did in Uganda, I suddenly had 3-4 visiters from Uganda (and the first visitors to my blog from the African continent). I haven't talked with Mathias since he came to Sahara, but I know that he visited my blog two days ago (so he is still alive). Today I saw that a person from Hawaii, University of the Nations, read my blog...Still wonder why he would check my blog and even used 3 min. and 27 sec. on it.
Sometimes I feel really bad when I see that people have checked out my blog and that I haven't updated it for a while - the reason for that being that I am working these days (3 weeks on the sea, yes, corrected guessed, nothing interesting happens here).... still 2317 different computers have visited my blog (most of them from UWC alumnis). People also use my blog as a "link blog" to other blogs....what I even do myself.


I got a visit from Matilda's friend, Malou, yesterday. I met her on Roskilde (being more or less drunk 24/7 I remember very little from there....). It is always nice to show people around the ship, especially because people think it is a little tiny boat I am working on - and not a cruiseship with Suites with jacussi, swimingpools, cinema, gym, etc.... If anyone wants to join me, then just write me :-)
Btw, we have thing called : "Comment Cards" onboard, where the passengers fill out what they think about the food, entertainment, service given etc. I got my first "CC" three days ago and it said: "Exellent, I would like to give a special mention to one of your young staff M. Frederiksen who helped me use the interent. Very different and helpfull". Don't know what the "different" means....


It was in the news today that Israel used phosphor and cluster bombs towards civilians in Lebanon doing the war. Furthermore, they have used depleted uran in their bullets. As that shouldn't be enough they have also shot "warnings missiles" towards the German (and only German warship) there are outside Lebanon and they have try to crash a helicopter with an F16. I can't understand why Israel sometimes want to be treated different of focus on their own suffering all the time when things like this happens.
This is not even the first time in recent history that they do "fuck ups", who doesn't remember the shelling of Qana in 1996 where 106 civilians died during the "Operation Grapes of Wrath" and again in 2006 in the Qana airstrike where at least 56 civilians died....during the same war that Israel bombed UN buildings.


I am looking for a flat in CPH these days where I can move in with Klaus or alone... it of course all depends on if I ever get into Journalism in Århus, nevertheless, I found a pretty nice 56 m2 flat in CPH where I can move in from May or june.... Louise and Pablo also got a very nice flat in CPH where they are moving in together now.
Did I tell anyone that I am working on my birthday (the 21st of dec., Christmas and on New Year?!?)

[Matthias is about to be stoned to death]
Matthias: Look, I don't think it ought to be blasphemy, just for saying "Jehovah".
[Everyone gasps]
Jewish Official: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse?! How can it be worse? Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ode to the Book

Sometimes I forget what a great poet Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, better known as Pablo Neruda was.


I'm on my way

with dust in my shoes

free of mythology:

send books back to their shelves,

I'm going down into the streets.

I learned about life

from life itself,

love I learned in a single kiss

and could teach no one anything

except that I have lived

with something in common among men,

when fighting with them,

when saying all their say in my song.

Tak Dan Turell

I should have a been a taxidriver.I like the nights, the night is when I live. I should have been been a taxidriver, I would have been good. Talking with the student, the teacher, the nurse, the patient, the drug addict and the christian. I should have been a taxidriver. Me and my car. Me and the streets. Me and my city. I should. I should have been a taxidriver. I like the everyday Life. I like the tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays... Damn yes, I should have been a taxidriver. My father was a taxidriver. He had his town. I should have been a taxidriver. Instead of sitting in my room reading books and writing essays for too many years. I should have skipped the math and the german, just to be a taxidriver.
But I tell you one more time, I should have been a taxidriver. I should have owned my own taxi. My own street. My worries would be about the seats cleanness, the tires and the windows. I would have bought nice speakers and a fine cd-player. I would have cared about my taxi. I should have been a taxidriver. I should drive from Torvegade down to Vestergade....

Monday, October 16, 2006


This animation shows the changing views of spacetime along the world line(the dashed line) of a rapidly accelerating observer under the special theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905. The vertical direction indicates time and the horizontal direction indicates distance, and the dots on the world line are spaced at regular proper time intervals. The diagonal lines show the particle's light cone at that time. The other dots are random events. See the picture here.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Happy B-day Arendt

It is Hannah Arendt's 100 years birthday and I wish her all the best. Even though I have been fighting through "The Human Condition" I stille learned a lot from it! "Eichmann in Jerusalem" is also a hard book, but also a book that I wouldn't have been without.

Mathias, Stephanie and Simon arrived to Algiers today for their 2 months Voluntterwork and do you know what? No one came to pick them up. So, I have been calling Senia, Tekber, Pete and a lot of strangers today to find a contactperson for them....I hope they are doing well now.

I really don't like the new page, looks too much like the old one, just worse. However, if you go to you will find a picture on the side, try to look for Herman on that one.
What a great promotion of the college Herman ;-)

And now, some people maybe wonder if I am very bored these days since I see these small things...Hmm...yes, maybe I am, BUT it also has to do with the fact that I study every single picture I see, can't help it.....

Friday, October 13, 2006


It is always a pleasure to re-discover an old CD that you have forgotten everything about. I had to do some boring packing of 200 letters today, so I needed some music that would cheer me up, but also some music that hasn’t been “worn out” yet… I found Romanza with Andrea Bochelli and what an album. I got this strange feeling of being melancholic, a feeling I have more and more rarely these days.

Normally I don’t like German music; nevertheless, Tokio Hotel was quite a surprise to listen to.

I watched a documentary about AQUA yesterday and I realized that even though I was never a fan, the band played a big part of my teenage years. I remembered all the songs, “Rose Are Red”, “Doctor Jones”, “Turn Back Time”, “Cartoon Heroes”, “Around The World”, “Lollipop” and of course “Barbie Girl”. In Denmark we were very proud of them in the late 90’s and they sold more CD’s than for example U2 at some point… A little country like Denmark had a big band like AQUA, which was something special. I even remember that I went to the second last concert they played and it was an amazing stage show! Dear AQUA, maybe I didn’t support or listen to you when you were big and famous, however, I still feel that the music belongs to a part of my Life.

Yesterday I felt asleep to Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Chet Baker, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis and Louis Armstrong. I slept wonderful that night and I took the jazz with me in the dreams.

Have you ever heard about Teitur?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

I don't know how many people there are following the International News.... but Denmark did it again, pissed a lot of Muslims of depicting the Prophet Muhammed. Read more about it here. Racism in Denmark is also getting more and more, and it has become accepted to "dis-like" foreigners... An example is what happend with Pablo in CPH some weeks ago (read about pablo)..... It annoy the **** out of me that some people abuse the Freedom of Speech and don't use the Freedom of Thought. I totally support any Freedom of expression and I hate censorship more than everything else, however with Freedom comes responsibility. On the other hand, when some "idiots" in Denmark does something wrong, the Muslim countries shouldn't react like they did in January or the way the react now. Right now, all Danes are told not to travel to almost every single Muslim country in the world.

anyway, Dessine-moi un mouton!!!

Did anyone see the big demostrations in Venezuela against Chavez?!?! And the mine-workers in Bolivia are fighting as well, and even more surprising Lula didn't win the election after the primary election!! Is the "left-turn" feeling in South America stopped? Will we get a period of right-wing goverment again.... Some countries in South America has a tendency to go from one extreme to another. Some days ago more than 100,000 Argentians demostrated as a response to the demostration last Thursday by several thousand right-wing supporters who demanded a general amnesty for human rights abuses commited under the dicatatorship (1976-1983).... There is still a "chance/risk" that the Socialist dream in Latin America will fail, but we will see how it all turns out in the next few years....

On ne sait jamais!

Did I tell you that I have started to run? I have been runing every second day the last two weeks....and damn, I hate it. It is so f*$#§% boring to run, run and run....without a purpose (than training myself up to win a bet with AK)..... The only fun thing about it is to see the fat guys who are smoking when I run by them. They all look away when I (healthy and fresh) runs by them....
I am going to say goodbye to Mathias tomorrow before he leaves for W. Sahara.
I am going to London and maybe Scotland in November.
I am going to work now.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Yesterday we had giant waves and a lot of wind, the boat was dancing on the sea and the passengers stopped dancing in the disco. When a big ship with 2000 passengers and crew starts to move it means that mother nature is angry for some reason... Normally the route from Oslo to Copenhagen is pretty neat, but not this time.
I actually liked it. I rarely feel that I am sailing when I am onboard this cruiseship, however yesterday was a bit like the time when I crossed the Atlantic with Roselina, oh my dear Love....
I have often thought about the time in my Life where I had the biggest feeling of Freedom in my heart and mind, and I came to the conclusion that it was int he middle of the Atlantic steering a little tiny wodden ship. At that point, far away from everyone and everything I felt Free.... and that is even though that Mother Nature could change my Life in a second....

"What makes you the happiest of all the things you do, and how could you do more of it?"
Most people will maybe not believe me now, but what makes me the happiest of all is to surprise people with "non-material" gifts. When I can give a thought, a letter, a hug, or something that a person don't expect then I feel happy. It is interesting, because on the contary I really dislike (almost hate) December month...Christmas, my b-day, advent, new years....It looks like a perfect time to make other people happy, nevertheless I don't feel "honest" in that period...

Another thing that makes me happy is when I am halfway through a good book. I have this strange thing of counting the pages in a book before I start so I know when I am half way...I also plan how many pages to read daily etc. When I reach my "half way mark" then i sometimes just stop up and think....and smile. It means that I am getting closer to an end and I can't start "turning back". It is also a bit sad to end a good book, therefore the middle is perfect!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Pedro Almodóvar has made another great movie (and yes, again it is about women). Max, Mathias and I went to the cinema in CPH to watch the new movie Volver with Penélope Cruz, oh my God she is a wonderful women. This is a woman with energy and charisma, and then she is extremely beautiful..... The movie is really damn good as well, I think that there is only one man in the movie, and he is only playing a tiny little role...apart from that, it is the women that rule!
Klaus called me yesterday, asking me if I wanted to share a flat with him in is very tempting, the only problem is that I will have to leave in March...hmm...but maybe I could change my plans and get a nice flat together with Klaus in CPH...I have to think about it and then I come back...

....Mo Chúisle....

One thing that annoys me more than anything else these days is to get mails from "elderly" people.... In the past the elderly people were the only once sending me real letters and postcards (and I responded with handwritten letters as well).... Today, even my grandmother knows about e-mails and all the people that before would mail me a letter, send me an e-mail sad....I want to keep the good tradition with letterwriting going, or at least a postcard. A handwritten letter shows affection, feelings, thoughts, will, caring, it shows a personal interest in another person. Maybe we should all stop checking out e-mails for a month and only send letters or call on the phone if we had to contact a person from a different country?! Just one month....could you do that?

I met a Danish woman today who lived in Buenos Aires and had lived there for the last 40 years...she had totally fallen in Love in the city and could only leave it for holidays now....I kind of know how she felt.......Damn, I would love to live in that city...

The sun is shining today. I is october month. It shouldn't be shining. A person "up there" pressed the wrong buttons. Or maybe it is Global Warming - if so...then I like Global Warming.
I am going running today and damn I hate it. It is only because of a bet with AK that I do it. I can't really see the interesting thing about this whole running thing, no swiming or diving...that is a proper form of training your body (not to forget yoga)....

A friend of mine asked me these questions some days ago....
"What makes you the happiest of all the things you do, and how could you do more of it?"
" What have you always wanted to do, but been scared of doing?"
"Who are you actually?"
"In what situation have you been satisfied the most in your Life"

These are questions I will try to answer in one of my next posts......but it will take some time...